Morning stretch.
Chance, Gabe and Seth at a break.
Beautiful country roads on the way to Groesbeck.
Crossing the Navasota River.
Team passes Brian Allision taking photos on the road.
Coming into Groesbeck.
Todd and Matt.
Joe and Becky check the route on their phone.
Brian Allison helping tag Tim for the ride in.
The team is greeted by Tobie and the Walker family.
Riders for Trooper Chad Walker.
Debbie presenting Tobie Walker with an honoree card signed by last year and this year's team members.
The students listen to the stories of the riders and honorees.
Mark and Jennifer talk about the Cade Alpard Foundation for Pediatric Liver Disease.
Caleb introducing his honoree, Ernie Goates.
Thank you Ernie for sharing your donation story.
The team and honorees pose for one last picture.
After the event, the team headed to the city park for lunch.
Caleb Canal, Team Captain
Jennifer Alpard
Gabe Canal
Seth Cooke
Tim Dixon
Melanie Hartman
Sarah Pipkin-Love
Todd Monsen
Mark Scotch
Chance Sebek
Matt Shane