Breakfast in Belton.
The morning prayer circle before heading to Round Rock.
First rest stop of the day - Schwertner Texas.
Crossing the San Gabriel River on the way to Round Rock.
Lunch at the German Biergarden at Walburg.
Honorees and guests waiting for the team.
Seth is greeted by his honoree group.
Debbie speaks to a packed room.
Becky Canal and Debbie Fendrick selling t-shirts to the group.
Many students from the Texas State University Radiology Therapy Program were in attendance.
Lisa Jimenez talks with Caleb Canal, who rode in honor of her brother David Skarda.
Honoree Luke Marazzo greets his honoree, Caleb Canal.
Thank you Chance Sebek and Noah Strand for putting together a great event.
Rowan Sebek and her dad, Chance.
Tim Dixon visits with past Lone Star team rider, Preston Tyree.
Melanie shares the story of her honoree, Platelet donor Kimber Marshall.
Mark tells about the kidney voucher program.
Jennifer honors Genie Kilpatrick.
Brian Allison with Be The Match poses with tour coordinator, Debbie Mabry.
Waiting to leave the event.