2022 Local Honorees for Waco

Trooper Chad Walker

Multiple Organ Donor

Groesbeck, TX

Chad Michael Walker was born May 21, 1982 to Michael Lynn Walker and Brenda Kay Warren Walker in Corsicana, Texas. He grew up in Groesbeck and graduated from Groesbeck High School in 2000 and from Navarro college police academy in 2003 as his class Valedictorian.

Chad enjoyed bass fishing in the Navasota River as a teenager and in his adulthood with his children and parents. He loved anything outdoors – hunting, fishing, his cows, and his kids were a pleasure to Chad. He grew up helping his grandfather, Dennis, with cattle and was proud of his own Beefmaster herd. Chad was very involved in community activities in both Limestone and Freestone counties, and was on the Limestone County Farm Bureau Board of Directors.

Chad began a career in law enforcement in 2003 at Athens Police Department, Henderson County Sheriff’s Office, and then served with the Groesbeck Police Department, the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office, and Texas Department of Public Safety. He joined the Department of Public Safety in 2015 and was stationed in Groesbeck.

Chad was joined as one, to be married for life, with Tobie Taylor Walker on September 22, 2018 at Axtell. They lived in Groesbeck with their four children Ethan (age 15), twin daughters Rylee and Charlee (age 8), and newborn daughter, Tulsa June. Chad was a Christian, worshiping at Living Proof Church in Groesbeck.

After Chad’s life of service to his family, friends, and the public, he gave the ultimate gift through the donation of his organs to help keep others alive.  The Department of Public Safety said in a statement, “This final sacrifice embodies Trooper Walker’s actions throughout his life and service as a Texas Highway Patrol Trooper.”

Sherilyn Pinto Nering

Stem Cell Recipient

Sherilyn Pinto Nering is a retired teacher.  She enjoys the time she spends with her family and friends. In 2018, she was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Following two years of various treatments, as stem cell transplant was needed.

She was very familiar with Be The Match and the work they do to match donors with patients through their registry program. Sherilyn was fortunate however, to be able to use her own stem cells for her transplant. Her stem cell transplant on July 27, 2020, was successful and she is in remission!

Scott and John Burleson

Stem Cell Donor and Recipient

John Burleson: – Stem Cell Recipient

“Before I had cancer and needed a stem cell transplant, I had no idea about the role of donors. I now have a new appreciation for donors. When my only unrelated matched donor declined to donate, it was such a blessing to have all three of my children be willing to step in and fulfill the role of my donor. I am thankful that my son, Scott was my donor.

From my perspective, the opportunity to help save someone’s life relative to the comparatively small-time commitment at no expense to the donor, should motivate someone who is able and willing. I can’t imagine a bigger blessing than to save someone else’s life”


Scott Burleson: Stem Cell Donor

“I donated stem cells to my father. It was a good opportunity to help when his unrelated matched donor was unable to donate.”


Jordan Dodson

Multiple Organ Recipient

Organ and Tissue Donor

Jordan Dodson was born with a rare kidney condition, Autosomal Recessive Infantile Polycystic Disorder, and was not expected to live more than a day or two. From the moment she arrived she showed her tenacity for life. The NICU team took her and began treatment. Jordan immediately removed the tube from her throat and would finally rest in her NICU isolette holding her daddy’s thumb in her tiny hand.

She grew into a sweet, beautiful toddler and received her first kidney transplant when she was two years old from her dad, Craig. This transplant allowed her to have time to grow up a little despite fighting all the battles that go along with having a compromised immune system. Jordan had a strong and loving bond with her brother and sister. 

Jordan was a loving, compassionate person who was vivacious and loved to be silly and laugh. Her smile could light up your soul.  Jordan was a champion for the marginalized. She loved all of God’s creatures on this earth.  She loved gardening, painting, cooking and game night with the family  – laughing with each other for hours. 

Jordan started high school and joined the swim team.  She absolutely loved the water and especially the ocean. She said the ocean was her truest friend and wanted to be a Marine Biologist.  In her sophomore year, her dad’s kidney was wearing out. She began dialysis and waited for a new kidney. She received her second kidney transplant and two years later, a liver transplant both from a generous unknown donors. She missed most of her high school years but came back her senior year with her healthy kidney and liver. She graduated and tried to find her place in this world, working hard to put back together her life with friends. She finally settled into a job where she met her true love, Robert. They became inseparable and started to build a life together. Robert wanted to give her the world. They  built a beautiful life together and Robert was at her side for everything. They traveled to Oregon where they explored Jordan’s beloved ocean and the incredible forest with all the creatures to discover. Her last kidney transplant was in December 2019 when her hero, Robert, donated one of his kidneys to Jordan.

Jordan was killed in May of 2021 in a horrific car accident when a car crossed over three lanes and hit Jordan and Robert’s car. We all were completely devastated.

Jordan was a lifelong advocate of organ donation, and her story comes full circle when we honored Jordan’s wishes and donated her organs and tissue to help save others as Jordan was given the generous gift of life over her 31 years.

Gerald Stewart

Blood Donor

Gerald Stewart has been donating blood for over forty years.  “In the mid 1970’s, my employer put out a call for blood donors for an employee’s daughter who was involved in an automobile accident. I volunteered then and not again for several years until participating in a church blood drive. Again, I had helped but did not give on a regular basis.

It was not until Spinal Meningitis put my two-year-old son in the hospital for 18 days that my eyes and heart were opened to the tremendous need for giving regularly. I walked around the children’s ward and saw the suffering of some of those who were not going to live, it was then that I asked myself the question “What if my son had needed blood for a chance at life and there wasn’t any available”.

I gave blood as regularly as I could until the mid 90’s when a neighbor’s grandson developed Leukemia. I gave Platelets until he no longer needed any and I just kept on giving. To date I have donated 66 gallons of blood product and continue to make this a mission in my life.

People ask me on occasion why I give. My response is, that if asked at my death to list the most valuable or important accomplishments in my life that I am most pleased with, I would put my giving of blood product very near the top, if not at the very top. That is why I continue to give.

Hunsley Strickland

Marrow Transplant Recipient

Hunsley Strickland was diagnosed at the age of two with a rare blood disease called Fanconi Anemia. She battled many complications related to this disease such as kidney issues causing many ICU stays, bilateral hip dysplasia requiring a body cast for 3 months, right thumb deformity, hearing loss, and many blood draws and transfusions.

Hunsley was a vibrant little girl who was full of energy, loved to sing and dance, and had a contagious personality who attracted everyone. She never shed a tear over her diagnosis, never cried on blood draws, was the bravest of them all, and turned to her faith during troubling times. Hunsley had to see a specialist for Fanconi Anemia in Minneapolis Minnesota and she was informed that she would need to undergo a bone marrow transplant due to her being in bone marrow failure.

Hunsley lived in Happy, TX – where she loved all those that she came in contact with. She LOVED Christmas, and was upset she wasn’t going to be home to celebrate, so she put up her Christmas tree at home early, which in turn, got all the people in Happy to decorate for Christmas early. Hunsley enjoyed a night of driving around in a horse and carriage looking at Christmas lights and celebrating Christmas early. Not only did this bring joy to Hunsley, but it brought joy to the town of Happy during a time that was much needed during the pandemic. Hunsley’s smile, the love for others, her faith, and joy was contagious – and the town of Happy rallied around her. She inspired others by her faith, her bravery, her positivity, and her outgoing personality.

She departed Happy for Minneapolis in October 2020 – with a magical send off by the fire department, her fellow classmates, and Santa Clause. Hunsley underwent her bone marrow transplant November 2020. She fought through so many complications, chemotherapy, infections, and sickness – but was discharged to her apartment right before Christmas. She was able to spend Christmas with her family in Minnesota, but developed an infection and complications which put back in the hospital later that month. She was placed on a ventilator – and what I admired the most about her, she was still dancing and placing her hands in the praying position to pray while on the ventilator. Her infection progressed and she was placed on Echmo (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine), then developed a brain bleed and passed away on January 20, 2021.

Her story, her life, and her faith continue to inspire those that knew her. Hunsley was six years old when she passed away

Abraham Lincoln Floyd, III

Organ Donor

Abraham Lincoln Floyd III passed on February 26, 2022, as a young age of 36. He was able to save four lives by donating his kidneys, his liver, and the most important organ in the body… His heart.

His sister, Shirley, submitting him to be honored for his wonderful gift of life.  “His entire life he just wanted someone to be proud of him. As a young child, he was abandoned by his mother and was left to be raised by my dad and my mother. He had a difficult life, and we never expected to lose him at the young age of 36.

I’m so proud of him being able to save lives, by giving life to others.”

Shane Kieltyka

Organ Recipient

Damian White

Organ Donor

Shane Kieltyka  – “When I graduated high school, he joined the US Navy, stationed both in The Republic of Panama and later in middle east. After serving for five years, I was medically discharged, unfit for duty, due to an unknown cause of protein and blood in my urine. I was diagnosed with IGA Nephropathy.

I became a police officer with the Copperas Cove Police Department in 2000 and was under a doctor’s care to monitor my kidneys. I received my first kidney transplant October, 2008 from my mother. Two years later, my family and I were involved in an accident where our vehicle rolled three times. I broke my left ankle, left hip, two ribs, fractured sternum, punctured lung, broken neck and a broken back. My injuries were so severe I was medically kept asleep until emergency surgery could be performed. I was not given any of my anti-rejection medication because no one was aware I was a transplant patient. This caused me to suffer a rejection that doctors were unable to stop due to my injuries and length of time I was without medication.

I was unable to return to patrol due to the injuries, so resigned. I continued my law enforcement career with the Coryell County District Attorney’s office until 2015 when the transplant was complete dead and no longer working. I retired from law enforcement and became a stay-at-home father while my wife Beverly, a registered nurse, became the full-time worker.

I started dialysis shortly after retiring and put on the Transplant list. I contacted Methodist Transplant Specialty Hospital since I had living donors willing to donate a second Kidney. My wife’s best friend, Damian White, asked to be tested as a possible donor. I had previously told Damian not to test because he is a father of three and a police officer in Gatesville Tx. I trained him as a new officer when he started his career in Copperas Cove.

In December, 2018 the hospital contacted me and stated that Damian was a match and that a surgery date was going to be scheduled for the next month. The hospital called back and stated Damian was actually a better match to another patient at the hospital and there was another donor that was a better match for me. They asked if Damian would be willing to do a kidney swap and he agreed.

On January 19, 2019 we took place in a 12-person kidney swap. Six willing donors gave a kidney to six complete strangers so that their friends and loved ones could receive the best kidney being donated. Twelve surgeries were performed at the same time making sure everyone involved donated and received kidneys.

I do not know the person who gave me a kidney, but if Damian had not donated on my behalf I would not of received a kidney. I tell everyone that I have Damian’s kidney, because he is the man who stepped up and saved my life. Damain and I are best friends and both live on the same 34 acres in Gatesville. Between our families we have eight children on our land. Though not of the same bloodline, we are and always will be family. My current kidney is still performing as it did on the day I received it and I have had no negative effects on this kidney.

Damian has allowed me to continue to be a father and husband. My wife and I will celebrate 21 years of marriage in October of 2022 and we have five children.”

Tim Anderson, Stem Cell Donor

Craig Treat, Marrow Donor

Wade Durbin, Be The Match Supporter

Michael Graham, Donation Supporter


Miracle Match Race Series Crew These Waco first responders have spent many years supporting patients who need marrow or stem cell transplants.  Two of them have been donors themselves and all have spent the past 20 years working tirelessly on the Miracle Match Race Series which puts volunteers on the Be The Match Registry.

Craig Treat, a Waco Fire Fighter, is a marrow donor.  He first heard about Be The Match through the fire department and thought it would be a good cause. He was a little surprised when he was contacted saying he was a perfect match for a patient needing a marrow transplant. He said “the procedure was relatively pain free and it was an honor to donate and to help someone through a difficult time.”

Tim Anderson, also a Waco Fire Fighter, is a stem cell donor.  He signed up for the Be The Match Registry at a registration drive at the fire department and received the call that he was a match shortly after registering.  In 2010, Tim donated his peripheral blood stem cells to save the life of someone’s grandfather.

Tim and Craig are part of the “Cookin’ Cowboy” team at the Miracle Match Race held each January that raises funds to put volunteers on the Be The Match Registry and support patients needing transplants. Tim has also hand-cut the finisher medals and awards for the Miracle Match Race Series and has made the honoree medals for this year’s Lone Star tour.

Wade Durbin, also a Waco Fire Fighter, is one of the four people who started the Miracle Match Marathon 20 years ago because it was thought his sister might need a marrow transplant. Wade wanted to help put people on the registry and jumped on board when the organizers began making plans for a marathon in Waco.  Wade has been instrumental in the success of the event giving many days both before the event as well as race weekend keeping the course well marked for the runners.

Michael Graham is Sheriff deputy in Waco and has supported the efforts to promote donation awareness for years. After the first year or two of the Miracle Match Marathon, Michael joined the course support team.  He has helped mark the Miracle Match marathon and half marathon course for many years to makes it is a safe for the runners.  Michael has also supported the Lone Star Circle of Life for many years helping lead the team safely into Waco.


These four honorees are also joined by many of their co-workers from the Waco Fire Department and the McLennan County Sheriff’s department working on the Miracle Match Race Series for over 20 years.  Due to their efforts, thousands of volunteers have been added to the Be The Match Registry and assistance given to patients receiving their life-saving transplant.

James Colunga

Soon to be Living Kidney Donor

After graduating from the DPS academy in 1977 and was stationed in Pt Arthur Texas. I met Carlos and Lea Adams weeks later while playing softball. Seeing that I was new there and being newly divorced, they took me into their life. Carlos treated me like a brother and Lea always had food and tea ready during my visits.

We got closer during my two years there and continued to grow our friendship throughout the years. During our relationship I have always seen Carlos as a strong bodied individual. I always admired him for working as a pipe fitter in the oil company to getting his master’s degree and becoming one of the supervisors. Carlos has always treated me like family by involving me in weddings, birthdays and even vacations.

Carlos did keep his kidney disease a secret from me for the past few years. I became aware of this problem just last summer when I invited Carlos and Lea to Galveston to my family get together. I met him and Lea at the bottom floor of the beach house to greet them. My heart broke when I saw his weight loss and had to help my brother up the stairs. He was in such a fragile bodily state that I could not believe what I was seeing. Later that night, he informed me of the kidney disease he had been fighting. I also found out that he would have to get a kidney transplant to not have to go through dialysis that rest of his life. I immediately told him that I would like to be his kidney donor.

Now several months have passed and just this week found out that I do qualify as a kidney donor. I now wait for the next step from the hospital coordinators at Houston Methodist for the transplant scheduling!!

See the Honorees for other local events:





